Monthly workshops in Manchester and Sheffield

Discover Biodanza 
10 weekends over 10 months
1st Saturday of the month in Manchester (except Jan)
1st Sunday of the month in  Sheffield (except Nov, Jan and May)

Part 1

Biodanza & Human Potential
5/6 September - Vitality
3/4 October - Sexuality
7/8 November - Creativity
5/6 December - Affectivity
9/10 January - Transcendence


One-off Special Workshop with Guest Teacher
Augusto Maddalena - Director of the School of Biodanza in Zaragoza Spain
6/7 Feb 2016


Part 2 

Transformational Tools
The Seven Powers of Biodanza
5/6 March - Music and integrative dance
2/3 April - The power of the vivencia
7/8 May - The power of touch
4/5 June - Expanded consciousness
2/3 July - The power of the group


Where and When
Manchester workshops 
Chorlton Central Church Hall 1:30pm to 6:30pm
Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton, Manchester M21 8BF

Sheffield workshops
Sharrow Performing Arts Centre, Sitwell Rd, S7 1BG UK


£40 (£30 in advance)