Tuesday 6 May 2014

Come and join us in this special weekend!

Hello everyone,

Our next gathering is on 17th and 18th May.

The weekend is going to be a bit different in the sense that Manchester and Sheffield will be led by three different FANTASTIC facilitators. 

For the Saturday workshop in Manchester, Elizabeth Barnett -a very experienced IBF Didactic teacher from Bristol- will grant us with her grounded presence. Then on Sunday Claire Levey Lewis and Nicole Stapff Estefanell will lead the workshop in Sheffield. Claire who has previously facilitated in both; Manchester and Sheffield is the director of the Biodanza Schools of Scotland&Ireland AND Nicole (originally from Uruguay) is an IBF Didactic Facilitator in Ireland.

This is also going to be a very special weekend as three of the Biodanza Facilitator students from the Biodanza Schools of Scotland&Ireland will be presenting their monographies (the equivalent to a thesis when you do the Biodanza training) . And this is happening on Saturday morning before the session in Manchester and if you wish to attend please do so -there is not charge for that-. Contact me for further information.

Notice that the times and prices of the workshops remain as normal: 

Manchester 1:-00 - 6:00 pm and Sheffield 11:30 -4:30 pm.

Price £30 - £25 (in advance)

For advance bookings please pay by 15 May. 

You can either:

- Send a cheque payable to Maria Canizalez-Jerez to 19 Longmead Avenue, Hazel Grove, Stockport, SK7 5PG.


- Pay by bank transfer. Please phone me on 07972854627 or email: mariabiodanza@hotmail.co.u

If you have any questions, please contact me. 

We usually have something to eat during the break, bring something to share if you wish.

Treat yourself for a weekend of Biodanza!

I am looking forward to seeing you

With much love

Maria Canizalez-Jerez

Mob: 07972854627