Sunday 30 August 2015

Sessions Re-start this week

After a long summer break we are back this week!

The weekly sessions will restart on Wednesday 2nd September at the usual time: 7:30- 9:30pm at Chorlton Central Church, Barlow Moor Road, M21 8BF. 

If you have not been before to the weekly sessions, we are offering an introductory offer of £20 for 4 consecutive weeks to new people who have not tried Biodanza or been to our Chorlton group. 

Click here to find for other prices.

The monthly workshops also restart next week  with Discover Biodanza a 10-month programme that offers you the opportunity to explore different aspects of Biodanza.

The first aspect we will be exploring -and dancing- will be Vitality –the regular practice of Biodanza stimulates vitality!
In our bodies, vitality manifests as good health, physical wellbeing and plenty of energy to do the things we love. Existentially, it shows up as joyful enthusiasm and a strong will to live. This workshop aims to stimulate your liveliness, vivacity, exuberance, buoyancy and vibrancy. 
Biodanza is a system of human development focused on the fulfillment of human potential through meaningful movement to music within a group setting designed to trigger life enhancing integrative experiences. 
Facilitated by: Paula Jardim and Maria Cañizalez-Jerez
MANCHESTER 5th September 1:30pm – 6:30pm 
Chorlton Central Church Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton, Manchester M21 8BF
SHEFFIELD  6th September 11:30am - 4:30pm
Sharrow Performing Arts Centre Sitwell Road, Sheffield S7 1BE 
Fees: £40 - £30 in advance (when paid by 28th August)