Tuesday 12 May 2015

11-17 May: Mental Health Awareness Week

Biodanza Manchester and Sheffield will be supporting and taking part in this year's Mental Health Awareness Week, an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation (www.mentalhealth.org.uk).

On Wednesday, Mindfulness (the topic for this year Mental Health Awareness week), will be the theme for our weekly class. You are all welcome to join us. 

On Friday morning, we will be leading the second session of Biodanza as part of Sheffield Mind (www.sheffieldmind.co.uk) and Body Project.

And from Friday evening we will be starting our special weekend of Yoga and Biodanza in the Peak District which will include mindful movement and mindful walks!

You are welcome to join us on either the weekly session or at the weekend in the Peak (we have a very few places available) or you can join us in both!

It is with great honour to be taking part in these activities that are so beneficial for mental health and wellbeing! Biodanza has been for many people (myself included) a powerful tool to help to recover from mental health issues.